A typical lomi lomi session begins with a prayer and may involve meditation and focused breathing exercises.
Although practitioners use a variety of techniques and tailor each treatment to the needs of the client, lomi lomi typically involves rhythmic, flowing massage strokes which are meant to clear blockages in the circulation of energy through the body. The therapist typically uses his or her forearms to make long massage strokes.
Other lomi lomi massage strokes involve a circular or chopping motion, gentle pounding, percussive cupping, and/or fingertip tapping.
With the long, continuous massage techniques that run the length of the body, lomi lomi massage traditionally involves less draping than other types of massage. you may find yourself laying on a vinyl covering and be covered with a towel or small sheet.
Grief or loss
Detoxification/waste removal
Improving the immune system
Stimulating lymphatic, circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems
Releasing muscle tension
Improving flexibility
Improving muscle tone